Get Paid to Play MarketGlory

MarketGlory is a global economic system, a new economic browser game that pays you to play. It's basically the same as what Anno1777 is, if you know the said game.

The game and the site is relatively new, lunched July of this year, but the admin is doing it's best in processing all member payouts. This is another great opportunity of earning money online playing games. You get paid by spending your time having fun and making a name in the game.

In the game you will be using your country's currency as money value, euro for cashing out and gold bars. You can convert your country's currency into euro or gold bars and vice versa. It depends on your needs as to what you do in the game requires different money value. For example, you buy raw materials for your company using gold bars, you can only cashout using euro currency and you earn your country's currency by fighting other players, in the arena and working. So you will have to convert your resources according to your needs.

How to earn in the game?

You basically start earning in the game collecting bonuses. Bonuses are the following: Fight bonus, work bonus, arena bonus, profile bonus, and referral bonus. You get all this bonus by doing the activities in the game.
  • You fight other players to earn fight bonus.
  • You work in companies job posting to earn work bonus .
  • You test your power in the arena to earn arena bonus.
  • Complete your profile and collect your bonus everyday.
  • You earn referral bonus for your active referrals.

 The above ways of earnings are the basic earning opportunity in the game. You can further make decisions in the game to boost your earnings. And the best decision to make is to buy and register a company in the game. Players purchase food, clothes, weapons and etc. in the game everyday and products will not be available without the companies making them.

You earn profit in the product you sell, of course, that's very basic. It's just the same in the real world, you need to be productive to profit more and you also need to manage your business well for your advantage. You have to do job posting to have workers for your desired business. And of course you compensate those who work for you.

Important:  You have to consider your energy in the game because what you earn in the game especially for the bonuses depends on the energy you have.

Why is it important to have energy in MarketGlory?

- Depending on the energy level you receive fight bonuses and referrals;
- Energy is an important factor in calculating productivity;
- Depending on the energy level you get a percentage of your referrals earnings;
- Attack and defense are influenced by the energy level.

Energy increases when goods are consumed. For example, a lower quality food will have an increase of 1 in your energy level. Also, when you eat a high-quality food you get 5 energy; the quality of the consumed goods is very important in MarketGlory. Energy increases when you eat or you have: coffee, clothes, houses and wine.

How much energy do you get?

• 1 for lower quality
• 3 for normal quality
• 5 for high quality

• 1 per day for low quality
• 3 per day for normal quality
• 5 per day for high-quality.
Note that clothes last for 10 days.

• 1 for lower quality coffee
• 3 for normal quality coffee
• 5 for high quality coffee

• 7 house
• 20 Villa
• 35 Palace

How does energy decrease?

Energy decreases by 5% per hour, by 10% when you work and 2% work when you fight.
A high energy level allows you to earn more, and to receive higher taxes from your referrals activity.
WARNING! It is very important to correlate the costs with the income. It is not a good thing for everyone to have a high energy level. Energy can reach up to 100.

Things you have to know in MarketGlory

KNOWLEDGE. Why is it important to have knowledge in Market Glory?
Knowledge is an important factor in calculating productivity. When buying books, depending on their quality you will get knowledge as follows: Low quality Book = +1 Knowledge, normal quality Book = +3 Knowledge, high quality Book = +5 Knowledge. Knowledge decreases by 0.2 per day and can reach a maximum level of 1000.

WORK EXPERIENCE. Why is it important to have work experience in Market Glory?Experience is an important factor in calculating productivity. It increases each time you work by 0.3 per day. If you work every day, experience will increase. You can buy experience from the country's government to which you belong to with 1 euro for experience point between 1-100 experience, with 0.8 euro between 101-500, with 0.6 euro between 501-1000. Experience decreases in the following way: between 1 and 10 by 0.1 per day, between 11 and 100 to 0.2 per day, between 101 and 500 by 0.4 per day, between 501 and 1000 by 0.6 per day.

PRODUCTIVITY. Why is productivity important in Market Glory? Productivity is the citizen's ability to produce goods for the companies they work for. Productivity is calculated using the formula:

Energy + Experience + Knowledge / 3.
Energy can increase up to 100.
Experience can increase up to 1000.
Knowledge can grow up to 1000.

Maximum productivity is 700 and according to it, you will receive salary or working bonus. In the working section you will find the level of productivity per hour.

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